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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Shatner Speaks: New Audio Recording of "Exodus"


Always a man with a few irons in the fire, look for a new audio recording in the coming weeks featuring the legendary Shatner voice narrating the biblical book of "Exodus" with the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra and a chorale group of 350, all under the direction of David Itkin. This performance was recorded live in 2005, but is only now becoming available for purchase or download. This recording will be available on iTunes and elsewhere. Stay tuned for more details!

Now me:

Shatner reading from the Bible with an orchestra??? I'm SOOO there!!! The excerpt above is from a much larger article about what the Shatman is up to so if you love him as much as I do, click this post's title to go to STARTREK.COM and read it for yourself.

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